The Reclaiming Time Satisfaction Guarantee
We want to guarantee your 100% satisfaction and will work to ensure that you’re happy with your course experience. That said, we understand if you decide that the program is not the right fit after all. Please read our Refund & Cancellation Policy below so you know what your options are should you choose to request a refund or cancellation. All banks differ, but expect to receive your refund within 10 business days.  No refunds are given before the course starts, this  course is for serious students.  No exceptions.
How it works:
If you decide within the first 14 days of purchase that the program is not a fit for you, simply email [email protected] to cancel within those 14 days.  In that email please demonstrate that you have done all of the course work up to that point,  so we know you gave it a good shot, and it just wasn't for you. You must also include proof that you have mailed back your course workbook and any other materials we have sent you.
Please note that there are NO refunds given for anyone after 14 days in the program.  Cancelling your access does NOT stop or refund the the monthly installments (for those that select the monthly installment option) because we delivered for you. Remember, once you enroll you have full access to materials of the course. Sounds fair, right?

50% Complete

Two Step

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