Episode 30: Reclaiming Your Time: The 3 “B-words” That Give Women Back Their Time and Energy

Jun 01, 2020

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You're used to doing the most - working hard is your comfort zone, kinda, because no matter how much you do there’s so much still left undone. As tasks carry over from one day’s to-do list to the next, it starts to take a toll on you.

Imagine what would happen if you just told yourself, “I’m not going to do that thing today.”

Here’s a reality check: If you’re a human, born and raised on planet Earth, you’ve been taught from a young age that what you do with your time directly correlates to your worth as a person. This is just not true – and it’s messing with us high-achievers. The truth is, the fastest way to stand out is to be the most rested and nourished person in the room.

On this episode, Karlee busts the myth of hustle culture and shares a doable system to self-source your own schedule. This system is what gives time for the things you value rather than filling up every slot in your calendar with other people’s requests.

Tune in to start clearing off your plate, have wiggle room in your days to breathe and be spontaneous, have a sustainable scheduling system to help give you life again. 

In This Episode You'll Learn:

●  The TRUTH behind feeling like you just can’t keep up. (1:44)

 How Karlee has created a thriving business: by only focusing on 3 main things per week. (4:20)

 Where to focus your energy to advance in your career. (8:04)

 What Self-Sourced Scheduling looks like. (9:48)

 How to self-source your own schedule to have space for your best work and best decisions. (10:30)

 How to be kind to your future self with some calendar boundary 101. (17:25)

 The super unusual event Karlee schedules in her calendar every week that will ignite your best career. (23:20)

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

FREE COURSE: Boundaries Like a BOSS

Apply to Know When The Doors Open For the Reclaiming Time Studio Summer Class

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