Episode 42: Before you Make Another To-Do List: A Work-Nourishing Ceremony to Honor What You're Already Doing Well with Georgia Wall

Aug 24, 2020

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I bet you can think of at least 10 more things you'd like to get to this week, right?! And no matter how much you do, there is more left that still feels undone, or not where you'd like it to be. 

High-achievers are great at being aware of the tasks or goals we want to accomplish next. But pro's learn that when we only focus on what isn't done yet, we sabotage ourselves, our energy levels and our best work.

In this episode, Karlee interviews Georgia Wall, the NYC-based ceremonialist, with a heart for creating spaces to honor transitional moments. Whether it's a wedding or funeral, breakup, creative breakthrough, or a work project or transition, or anything that feels significant in your life that needs space to be held and acknowledged. 

Georgia shares how there is a thread of interest that runs through many of us since our childhood, and how if we pull gently on the ends of those threads, we can draw significant meaning and unique skills into our work.

Georgia also talks candidly about how she woke up one night suddenly aware that it was time to become a ceremonialist, what her transition into this career looked like, and why simple ceremonies are essential to creating a thriving career and personal life.

Expect to discover the importance of honoring the labor or your work and what you can do to drop back into moments of presence in the midst of overwhelm.  

Tune in to learn more about creating ceremonies for your life's transitions, how to acknowledge the powerful connection you have to your work, and how these practices will help you tap into your own unique strengths. 

In This Episode Karlee Asks:

●  What inspired you to go into such a unique career? (7:38)

● How does the process of ceremony honor transitions? (15:46)

● What are some examples ritual or routin that you might already be doing? (21:36)

● What could it look like for someone to build a small, intentional ritual? (27:53)

In This Episode You'll Learn:

●  How Georgia found direction for becoming a ceremonialist. (9:44)

● How ceremonies show the interconnection between yourself and your community. (16:01)

● Examples of everyday rituals. (21:55)

● How to create a personal ceremony to acknowledge the labor you do each day. (28:07)

● How to see the value in each mistake you make and how it plays into the creation of the grand masterpiece you are making. (35:10)

Resources Mentioned In This Episode: 

Episode 3: 4 Phases of Growth and Sustaining Success

Navigating a Graceful Transition: Your New Best Life with Karlee Fain and Maria Sirois

Connect with Georgia Wall:

Website: www.TheCeremonialist.Earth

Instagram: @theceremonialist.earth

People Mentioned In This Episode:

Kate Northrup

Dr. Frantonia

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