Episode 61: The Art of Subtraction: How Women Keep Career Plans Simple, Life-Giving And Successful During Complex Times

Jan 04, 2021

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As we look to plan a new year, that inevitably means that our schedules fill up with really important tasks, meetings, and projects… right? Well, it could mean all of the above, but it definitely doesn’t have to. 

Successful women everywhere know that being busy all the time doesn’t equate to achievement. 

Being weighed down with a calendar just means you're busy and that you’re good at filling in the blanks. But, what if I told you that being less available and more choosy about that blank space in your calendar could actually make you more effective? 

Time management is a word that gets thrown around among the busy crowd, but the real meaning of that is misunderstood. We think it’s about squeezing as much into those daily hours as humanly possible. The truth is that it really means the opposite. 

In today’s episode, Karlee shares the second part of her professional PPE method: planning. She’ll teach you how to recognize and root out complexity, and how you can master the Art of Subtraction. 

Finding ways to simplify your life isn’t about being lazy or inactive. It’s about choosing the most important ways to spend your time. It’s running through your daily grind with a fine-toothed comb and getting rid of the clutter that doesn’t need to happen at all, could be done by someone else, or could be drastically simplified. 

If you’re ready to learn how to eliminate the clutter in your schedule and create more space in your life, then this episode is for you.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • How distraction throws us off course  (10:17)
  • Closing the gap between what we communicate and what’s understood (13:08)
  • Using simpler language to make the message clear (15:02)
  • The myth of the multitasker (17:12)
  • The unconscious fear behind why we delay (17:58)
  • How to make your life 3% simpler (19:14)
  • 3 steps for streamlining your planning for 2021 (22:02)
  • The Art of Subtraction (24:28)
  • Scheduling in moments to recharge (28:30)

Resources Mentioned In This Episode: 

Karlee’s FREE Course: Boundaries Like a Boss

Episode 60: Daring To Pause Before you Plan: Karlee's Nourishing "PPE Method" for Making Your Best Decisions at Work and Beyond, Part of 1 of 3

Episode 36: Reopening Gently: A Simple Practice to Process What Just Happened and Move Forward with Wisdom and Grace

Study: “Putting a stereotype to the test: The case of gender differences in multitasking costs in task-switching and dual-task situations”

Hirsch, P., Koch, I., & Karbach, J. (2019). Putting a stereotype to the test: the case of gender differences in multitasking costs in task-switching and dual-task situations. Plos One, 14(8). Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220150

Study: “The Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speed and Stress”

Mark, G., Gudith, D., & Klocke, U. (2008). The cost of interrupted work. Proceeding of the Twenty-sixth Annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI 08. Doi: 10.1145/1357054.1357072

Get the Culmination Mastersheet Karlee Mentions In This Episode for Free Below "Episode 36" Here

Connect With Karlee: 




Messy and Magnificent is produced by the folks at Ginni Media.

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