Episode 3: Done burning out? The 4 phases of growth and sustaining success.

Nov 25, 2019

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There’s an old myth out there that tells us that success needs to look like constant exponential growth and having “big wins” all the time—and if that’s not what it looks like for you, then you’re falling behind. That’s total BS.

 This “Go big or go home!” mentality is both exhausting and unnecessary.

 If we drew our professional and personal growth out on a piece of paper, it wouldn’t look like a straight upward line—that’s never been sustainable in the long-term. Instead, sustainable success looks more like a cycle, including moments of having no idea what you’re doing, to cultivating and sharing an idea, to reflecting on the execution and results. 

In this episode, Karlee Fain breaks down the four phases of modern success, what they practically look like, and how to unapologetically get the most out of whatever phase you’re in right now. Here’s the deal: it’s time to stop playing small in order to make others feel comfortable. Give yourself permission to lead with your idea, with what inspires you, and what uplifts you. 

Tune in to learn about this wise approach to knowing exactly where you are in your phase of growth, which steps make sense for you, and how to ultimately live on your own terms.   

In This Episode, You Will Learn: 

  • How to consciously create the life you want. (4:15)
  • The myths around vertical success. (5:04)
  • The four phases of upward sustainable success. (11:26)
  • Why taking the time to be still and listen to yourself is essential to moving forward. (13:53)
  • How to protect emerging ideas from being squashed by questions and imposter syndrome. (16:23)
  • What a culmination practice practically looks like. (24:47)

Resources Mentioned In This Episode: 

Do Less by Kate Northrup

Maria Sirois, Psy.D

Navigating a Graceful Transition: Your New Best Life

4 Phases Master Sheet Free Download to Accompany This Episode

Connect with Karlee Fain: 




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